Set by Enigmatist for Saturday, August 18th, 2007

7 Round the bend repeatedly in the Philippines (4-4)
8 Spiritless representative of 6 3! (6)
9 2 18 function (3)
10 Blew, it may be, alas (3,2,3)
11 Rights to reject full quota on foot if twisted off (6)
12 One of two in the eye for enduring feature of 15 (6)
13 Rudely interrupts Basinger misbehaving (6,2)
14 Foxy chat-up? 15 source of revenue for 6 3 (7,8)
16 With which opponent's disclosure will give you the pip for more than one reason (4,4)
17 Fool in field shows clemency (6)
19 6 3 on the cheque, less on storing energy? (6)
20 One in Garfunkel's has taste for enduring feature of 15 (8)
21 Go out with deserted first Channel swimmer (3)
22 More than one composition inhaled by sufferer on dosage (6)
23 Studied contents of black book in kitchen container (5,3)
1 Kiss and turn, embracing a source of poetic pleasure (6)
2 Patience required here - but rib Henderson rotten!... (10,5)
3 See 6
4 ...and here she is! (4)
5 Why is -- unfastened? 15 would have done this up (3,3,5,4)
6/3 Fornicatresses sinned extraordinarily with me for charity (8,4,10)
8 It's written to explain why a box is checked here (8,6)
13 Sir Toby's release? (5) 15
14 presents old silver to pawnbroker (5,3)
18 Enter register - go with the majority (4.2)
20 Adult books introducing a supergroup (4)