Armchair Crossword by Afrit


1. Not too steep for an ass to got by in, but steep enough (5)
11. A well-trained dog could get through this backwards in two jumps. Now say It's nonsense! (4-4)
12. This means to cause dismay, so keep on till you find a friend (5)
13. Softly now! Just a twinge of pain and what it makes you say (5)
14. You can't be stumped like that, but this means something more (8)
15. When you come to this you'll be completely stuck. All you can do is to rearrange the load in the middle of the deck (8)
16. You get dripping from something like this, but a Scot keeps his cows on the meadow (5)
17. You may got clothes turned before the ban is complete, but it's really not legitimate (8)
21. `My hat's on the side of my head!' Now can you get over that? (5)
23. This is easy enough when you know the ropes, even if Gibbon wrote it (5)
24. Something thin and brittle. The first half must be the hens' good intentions! (8)
25. This is only froth, so don't put it in as yet (5)
27. An arch-supporter of doubly musical make-up (8)
31. There's something in this to prevent you from dropping a brick, so it must be of the right way of thinking (8)
32. Result of a roundabout chase, especially if it's your first day out! (5)
33. Sheep do it differently, but they come to it at last (5)
34. At this late hour there's not so much after the event as before (8)
35. This takes ages to start, yet if you do so to it you'll have nothing to show for it (5)

2 A sort of devil on wheels -that is, on very soft ground (5)
3. Shows part of a leg and then dies; you'd wonder why they're so often kicked up (8)
4. May be described upside-down in the air, and there's usually some yarn about it (5)
5. Put some beef into it and you won't notice the pain so much. It's poisonous, though (5)
6. Mental exercise which hardly puts you in mind of Henry VIII (8)
7. Such people need a wigging for making up rash lies (8)
8. If you can't go on it in Paris without scandal, you can in Berlin. See the effect it has on members of the House of Lords! (5)
9. American mountains possessed by a certain type of burglar (8)
10. This street is all marble, but it has turned a vulgar colour (5)
18. This kind of road certainly does affect the rate, and the rail, too (8)
19. Gifts always are, but the bills for them are best paid (8)
20. When it's ready it will save you from counting, but you can't finish it without an expert (8)
22. Helps some people to keep a roof over their heads. You have to put her last, but remember there's a hundred after that (8)
25. You must begin this but unfortunately it won't last and you have to get out in the middle (5)
26. Makes your flesh creep, so naturally you won't like being left on it (5)
28. Congratulate yourself. If it won't wash, turn it round and use the middle (5)
29. This will lead you a rare dance, but will soothe you if you feel sore (5)
30. Places of agreement if the clutch doesn't turn out too fierce (5)

This is one of the puzzles in Armchair Crosswords (1946), a collection by Afrit (A F Ritchie, Prebendary of Wells Cathedral). The book is very rare and we are still searching for a copy in order to have it reprinted.