Ximenes 1000

To celebrate the 1000th Ximenes crossword, a special dinner was held at the Cafe Royale in London. In the spring of 1968, Stephen Sondheim and Burt Bernstein happened to be in London and they decided to gate-crash the event. Fortunately, they were given seats and were able to join in the celebration.

The back of the menu had an acrostic poem by R Postill.

Dear Ximenes, year after happy year, 
Each week you've challenged us, your friendly foes. 
Ravening wolves?" Yet wolves, one may suppose 
Rarely show such affection for their deer .
Into our Sunday lairs we disappear 
Clutching that crucial page, while others doze, 
Keenly we scan your esoteric prose,  
Mark in with dubious pencil what seems clear. 
Anon the pennies drop; anon we smile; 
Chambers confirms; the squares are filled at last. 
Now to our clues, all but the best of these 
Unlikely to approach your wit and guile .. 
Thank you, a thousand times, for what is past. 
The future? "Floreat Semper Ximenes!"

All the dishes on the “Millenu” (and most of the speakers) began with M, like the things drawn in the treacle well:—Morecambe Prawns, Minestrone, Mutton, Mashed Potatoes, Marrow, Mousse, Mocha and Mac-Nutts!

The table plan.

Ximenes Slip 1000

Ximenes 1000 newspaper article

Many thanks to John Walsh who sent me the documents.