Move Over by Curmudgeon

Nine solutions need to be altered before entry into the grid. Each across clue contains a misprint of one letter in the definition part of the clue. The correct letters, in clue order will give help.
    1    Influenced by feat of one to unite bride and groom (4)
    4    Caribbean Island stats for copper and barium too (4)
    7    See creatures hunted for food and game, or shrubs (at Azov?) (6)
    9    Type of wool of cat's coat, or so it is said to be (3)
    10    Braver alcohol and blackcurrant syrup brew (3)
    11    In Gods way this person believes God gives, yet religion is not in his credo (5)
    12    In the French academy way, the lowest degree yob can incur (5)
    15    Jolly solution - getting leg over! (Not P.C.! Ed.) (3)
    16    Realm of the god, 'arms' - twisted raw passions (3)
    18    Surface reflecting what is in frost - half of an optical illusion or initially retro (6)
    19    Hear of eastern country rats thrown into confusion (4)
    20    Given a new colour to extremes of dressy spun tips of sable (4)
    1    Son with some degree of luxury shortly established as cock of the walk (8)
    2    In the outskirts of Rio some hope to get a letter from Greece (3)
    3    Stops working for the day (4)
    4    Victory with zero initial toil and effort in ballot (4)
    5    Proceeded gingerly, circling round, and was caught in a lasso (6)
    6    Oddly seek to tell egress of those leaving for new places over the water (8)
    8    Noises made by purely intellectual apprehension of the cognoscenti (6)
    13    Fever with shivering fits, at a guess, is catching (4)
    14    Luxury estates producing gentlemen for the Vlach (4)
    17    Apply weight admitting a bit of effort (3)
To enter this competition send your solution as a diagram or in list format to me at before the 8th September 2009. The winner, picked from the hat will receive a copy of the new Chambers Crossword Lists, out this month, which has been donated by the publishers. More information about Chambers publications can be found at