1 Across by Opsimath

All clues are normal, but ten answers, which may or may not be found in Chambers, must be replaced in a way that roughly accords with a theme to be discovered in the grid.

1   A part played in 30 ac.  (4)
5   Most of Bahamas to West, captain!  (4)
8   Awards given for no marks?  (6)
12  Court process about conventional brief consisting of three terms  (9)
13  Egyptian spirit initially heartens any lonely Jewish community  (5)
15  Dubious confession from cruciverbalist – the usual suspect!  (6)
16  More money for small but very troublesome Brazilian pest  (4)
17  Special constable repayed and searched among refuse  (9)
18  Most of ancient destroyed civilisation  (4)
19  East German policemen make an arrest  (6)
21  He tortured a ponce, possibly, not an untouchable!  (6)
24  Large animal runs out of Greek island  (4)
25  Tears back flower to get tiny bit of sponge  (9)
27  Frogs – after they've been kissed?  (5)
28  Officer commanding offensive group  (5)
30  Cook takes 50 minerals back in luggage  (9)
33  Distant mark shows area of land used for cultivation  (4)
35  Cricketer loses second assistant!  (6)
38  Twice note no-good grass  (6)
40  A club, possibly, or group upset by 31 dn?  (4)
41  Sweet fruit shows term of endearment  (9)
43  Lentils help for eyesight  (4)
44  On mountain peak we hear woman's hero!  (6)
45  Indian police station holds a thousand Cantonese boat-dwellers  (5)
46  I'm one old French comedian – no good copying  (9)
47  Add interest for a limited period  (6)
48  Oddly maidlike, but does she sell this product?!  (4)
49  Moderate Conservatives go back to a state of agitation  (4)
2   Purple-flowered broad leaved stonecrop or fir tree  (6)
3   Deceiver docked grey  (4)
4   Linacre sent out plain message  (7 2 words)
5   Dead members of a society filmed?  (5)
6   101 Rupees about right for a clerk  (6)
7   King accepted five donkeys as Ottoman servants (8)
8   Venetian general expelled from brothel lobby!  (7)
9   Did 'e come from Spitalfields? Quite possibly so!  (5)
10  Little bits of plants found in noodle soup served by volunteers  (7)
11  Ozzie tries to upset vehicles without wheels  (7)
14  One French tough harassed Protestant  (8)
15  Child on board slides along  (5)
20  Drunken peers in merry frolic  (5)
22  Ring tone ruined much of the atmosphere  (8)
23  Badger's relative - one of his friends has gutted eel  (5)
26  Follow closely 50A light on car  (8)
28  Tess could be inspired by these mountain spurs  (7)
29  Tin, Uranium and Lanthanum with drug for surgical tubes  (7)
30  Give birth to right old clown!  (7)
31  Despicable people entertaining signs of chauvinistic intolerance selfishly (7)
32  Pointing in one direction, fellow follows a nut (5)
34  Draw up tripe evenly cut for Scottish darling  (6)
36  Gold lost a vital force according to Wilhelm  (6)
37  Court heartless dandy like Fraxinus perhaps?!  (5)
39  Gather corn left by reaper to find out bit by bit  (5)
42  A bird occupied in a particular way  (4 2 words)

To enter this competition, send your entry as an image or in list format  to ccpuzzles@talktalk.net before 8th May 2017. The first correct entry drawn from the hat will receive a book from the Chambers range, which has been donated by Chambers.